5 Tips For Creating Effective Facebook Video Ads

As part of its Q4 earnings call, Facebook announced that 3 billion videos are viewed on its site each day. However, many marketers are still struggling with how they can maximize the platform.

Here are a few pointers:

1. The 3 second rule: Facebook defines a video view as a view of three seconds or more. Each video ad starts auto playing and stops as soon as people scroll past it, meaning you need to catch your audience attention quick.

2. Keep it quiet: With the auto play feature, a video will start playing when you scroll past it but it will not include sound. Therefore it is essential to be able to get the message across visually to ensure the content is engaging silently as well.

3. Be flexible: In order to react to the authentic moments, you cant have everything planned. Its good to have a couple of different versions and see what performs best, instead of churning it all out in one go.

4. The customer comes first: Its important to stay true to the customers and make sure that the message resonate with them. The main point is to better appeal to potential customers and tailoring content aimed at specific segments.

Contact us today for help on your Facebook video ad.

5 Tips For Creating Effective Facebook Video Ads
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