Facebook Ads Split Testing – The Basics

In order to understand if your Facebook advertising is working, you need to understand split testing. Use these basic tips below to recognize what’s working and what’s not to ultimately improve your campaigns ROI.

For a split test to be reliable, ever ad you’re testing will need to generate a good amount of data. Testing hundreds of images at once will produce random data which you cant trust. Testing multiple elements can get out of hand pretty quickly, so here are the elements that provide the biggest gains.

Ads Design
1. Image
2. Post Text
3. Placement
4. Landing Page
5. Headline

Ads Targeting
1. Country
2. Gender
3. Interests
4. Age
5. Custom Audiences

Start with a list of 4 to start with and begin with broad experiments and once you’ve got results, you can refine them from their.

Now that you have an idea on what to test and basic framework for testing, give it a try! Stick to one metric to measure your success, we suggest Cost Per Conversion starting out. For more information on how to grow your ROI, contact us today!

Facebook Ads Split Testing – The Basics
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