5 Ways To Get The Best Performance From Your Facebook Ads

Facebook has allowed Internet Marketers to access and reach a gigantic population, but what good does it do you if its not the right audience?

Here are 5 ways to optimize your Facebook ads to make sure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck:

1. Test Different Images: Images are the number one factor when people decide whether to click a post. It is important to make sure to test out different images and find the ones that maximize your click through rate and conversions.

2. Segment Audiences Into Ad Sets: Try grouping your target interests into topics and create one as set per topic. Different interests will perform differently within the same set of ads.

3. Install A Conversion Pixel: If you are not yet using a conversion pixel, you need to start immediately. Their is no better way to track the results of your marketing efforts and it is very simple to set up. Simply log into your ad manager, click the conversion tracking and click the green “Create Pixel” button in the upper right corner. Follow the setup to finish your conversion pixel. Now your pixel will send information back to Facebook when someone views or clicks your ad.

4. Identify Age Groups & Genders: Usually you have a good idea of your age group and gender when setting up your ad, but you could be missing opportunities if you are not checking your Reports through your Ad Manager. On the report page you can set up the date range you want to analyze and make relevant strategic decisions based on the insights your report generated.

5. Test Lookalike Audiences: Once you find an audience that is working for you it is a good idea to test the lookalike audiences to find new opportunities. The lookalike audience finds a list of users whose characteristics are similar to users of a website custom audience.

In conclusion Facebook ads need to be as targeted as possible in order to generate quality, profitable traffic. Try using the strategies above in your next Facebook Ads Campaign.

5 Ways To Get The Best Performance From Your Facebook Ads
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