How To Get Insane ROI From Facebook Ads

Retargeting. If your not using, you are losing out on ALOT of money. Retargeting is showing ads to people that have already been to your website but haven’t converted yet. These people are very likely to visit again and buy, but your job now is to keep your brand and positioning at the top of their minds.

Facebook retargeting pixel: You need to set this up. This will allow Facebook to figure out who is visiting your website and which pages they are viewing.

Custom audiences: Use your retargeting pixel to set up your custom audience based on which page/category people have visited.

Facebook ad: Time to set up the ad. Set up a few, starting broad and narrow in once you see what is working. Experiment with different call to action buttons or images.

Look-alike audience: Once you find what’s working, create your look alike audience. Facebook will find an audience that looks like your current audience based on an algorithm. This will allow you to target and reach people that aren’t currently visiting your site but have a high likelihood that they will enjoy the product you are offering.

Now take these steps and apply them to your Facebook campaign! To find out more about how to increase your ROI, contact us today.

How To Get Insane ROI From Facebook Ads
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