3 Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

Getting your Facebook Ads in front of a very precise and motivated segment of an audience is the ultimate goal for Marketers. Here are a few powerful Facebook Ad Strategies that you may not be using.

1. Recent Purchasing Behavior: Our spending habits provide vital information for companies that are attempting to tailor their products and selling strategy to maximize growth. Using the Purchasing Behavior in your ad campaign, you can utilize subcategories such as Buyer Profiles, Clothing, Food & Drink, Health & Beauty and a lot more. If this is not something you are already using, you should jump in and explore.

2. Life Targeting Events: Certain types of campaigns are based on selling to people experiencing major life events. For example, wedding planners want to target people who are engaged, and baby product sellers want to target people who have children under the age of 1. Try to get creative and think outside the box, are people from your target audience married? Do they have kids? Try experimenting with some split testing and see what works for you.

3. Layer Your Targeting Options: The amazing thing about Facebook is the ability to hypertarget. You can use a combination of behaviors, demographics and geolocation data to reduce your audience to as little as one person! Although you wouldn’t want to target just one person, you have the ability to reach a much smaller, more optimized segment using a combination of data. For example, a high end baby retailer could target women that live in the area that have babies under that age of 2 and a net worth of over two million dollars. The possibilities are endless, but your message can be tailored to speak directly to the audience with the problem and offer a solution.

The best Facebook Ad targeting strategy is diversified and comprehensive, you don’t have to pick just one. Remember to think about your ideal customers, who are they? Where do they live? What do they do for a living? How do their traits and characteristics align with the strategies above?

Need more help distinguishing your ideal customers? Contact us today and see how we can help!

3 Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies
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